Captured Words

Captured Words

The Good and the Beautiful Library Level 5
by Frances Williams Brown, Jenny Phillips (Editor)
2022nd Edition, ©1954, Publisher Catalog #384.5
Trade Paperback, 134 pages
Current Retail Price: $12.99
Used Price: $7.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

It can’t be done. At least that’s what everyone but Oquana and her father, Sequoya, think. They won’t let others’ doubts deter them, though, for Sequoya’s dream is too important: the Cherokee people need a written language for communication and so their history and stories won’t be forgotten. The task of capturing words on paper isn’t easy though. Dislike and mistrust plague Oquana and Sequoya every step of the way, but they keep trying, for they may be running out of time. The Cherokee Nation has begun to split up, and a written language may be the key to keeping peace between the two groups.

Captured Words is part of the Level 5 Book Set and is integrated into the Language Arts Level 5 course.

*This unabridged version has updated grammar and spelling.  First published in 1954.

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