
Devil's Punch Bowl, Whaling, Agate Beach

October 05, 2006

Walk through the Woods
We walked from our inn along a lovely path to Devil's Punch Bowl.
Eli with Joshua
Beautiful Oregon Coast woods.
Watching pelicans
Watching pelicans.
Another Beach
Seeing more beaches...
Eli with Joshua Again
Eli had fun spending extra time with Joshua.
Devil's Punch Bowl
Devil's Punch Bowl - we were told it is more spectacular in a storm.
I thought this little inlet next to Devil's Punch Bowl was more interesting.
Another of Eli and Joshua
Enjoying our breathtaking Oregon coast.
Sleeping in the Stroller
Joshua got so tired he fell asleep in his stroller.
Asleep in the Car
He did a wonderful job sleeping the car and not crying on the long drive there and back.
Trying not to be sick
These are the only pictures we have of our whale watching trip. First, it was hard to keep our balance enough to get a good picture, and second, we were feeling too sick to focus on the camera. I managed to keep my breakfast but Eli let the fish share his. Joshua did great, except for getting cold. Besides being sick, we greatly enjoyed the trip. We had many whale sightings, both far and also quite near. It was a good experience all around.
Agate Beach
Agate Beach - the mini dunes were cool! After the whaling trip, Eli was starving but I didn't want anything to do with food so we ordered Subway and came here so I could stand on firm ground and breath in some fresh air.
Sand Calligraphy
Eli is the calligrapher in our family.
Joshua Robert Resolve
This is the first time Joshua's name has been written in the sand.
Enjoying Solid Ground
I felt much better after running around. In fact, this little excursion was one of my favorite parts of our whole vacation!
Staying warm
Joshua's trying to stay warm while Mommy shows him the beach.
Joshua Exploring
No, he didn't really eat sand, but he did taste it!

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