When An Animal Grows

When An Animal Grows

A Science I CAN READ Book

by Millicent Ellis Selsam, John Kaufmann (illustrator)
Publisher: Harper & Row
Hardcover, 64 pages
Used Price: $8.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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This is the story of how animals grow. Children will identify with the helpless ones that are dependent on their parents: Baby gorillas who live in close contact with their mothers for three to four years, and baby sparrows that are weak, featherless little birds for only a short time. Children will marvel at the precocious ones, like the lamb and duckling, that move and follow their mothers soon after they are born.

Millicent Selsam has written a delightful and tender book about the process of growth and how young animals reach the age of independence. John Kaufmann's illustrations bring to the story the sense of enchantment and wonder that young children feel for baby animals.

—from the dust jacket

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