Trolley Car Family

Trolley Car Family

by Eleanor Clymer, Ursula Koering (Illustrator)
1975 Printing, ©1947, Item: 89549
Mass market paperback, 216 pages
Used Price: $3.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Something is wrong. Cranky Mr. Jefferson is sure of it. Those noisy Parker children next door are much too quiet.

Something is wrong at the Parker home. Pa Parker has just lost his job. Pa has been driving a trolley car for years. Now the trolley car company is changing to busses. Drive a new-fangled bus? Not Pa Parker! No wonder all the Parkers are worried.

But if Pa doesn't have a job, he does have a trolley car. And what could be more sensible than living in the trolley 'til Pa gets another job. So off they go – Ma and Pa Parker, Sally, Bill, George and Little Peter – and of all people, cranky Mr. Jefferson too. Bouncing and bumping on the trolley tracks, they park their new home at the last stop. It's the end of the line for the trolley car, but it's a beginning of fun and adventure for the trolley car family.

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