Trojan War

Trojan War

by Olivia Coolidge, Edouard Sandoz (Illustrator)
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Trade Paperback, 260 pages
Current Retail Price: $8.99
Used Price: $4.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: Mythological Greece

This is one of the great stories of the world, retold from its original sources with color and skill by the author of Legends of the North and Greek Myths. This companion volume is perhaps Mrs. Coolidge's most successful book. She writes with boldness and clarity of one of the greatest wars in all history, a war in which the gods themselves took sides.

Here is the story of Paris of Troy, who stole the beautiful Helen from her husband, Menelaus, lord of Greece, and touched off the ten-year Trojan war; of Odysseus, great warrior of the Greeks who feigned madness to stay at home from the wars with his wife, Penelope, but was tricked into becoming a leader; of Achilles, son of a goddess; of the noble Priam, king of the Trojans; and his valiant warrior son, Hector; as well as scores of heroes great in mythology and literature. Here, also, is a description of one of the greatest battle strategies in history, the building of the Trojan Horse by the Greek armies, and the resultant fall of Troy.

Edouard Sandoz had done the striking drawings for The Trojan War. He is illustrator of Mrs. Coolidge's earlier books, Greek Myths and Legends of the North.

—from the dust jacket


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