DK Readers: Trojan Horse

DK Readers: Trojan Horse

DK Readers Level 4
by David Clement-Davies
Publisher: DK Children
Trade Paperback, 48 pages
Current Retail Price: $3.99
Used Price: $2.00 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

See series description for full review.

The Greeks and Trojans battle for the beautiful Helen of Troy. Who will win? A huge wooden horse holds the answer. These 48-page books about fascinating subjects like pirates, mummies, and volcanoes are for proficient readers who can understand a rich vocabulary and challenging sentence structure. In addition to the stunning photographs, informative sidebars, and glossary, readers will find archival photographs and paintings. Averaging 4,500 to 5,000 words in length, Level 4 books are 40 percent pictures and 40 percent text.

The Dorling Kindersley Readers combine an enticing visual layout with high-interest, easy-to-read stories to captivate and delight young bookworms who are just getting started. Written by leading children's authors and compiled in consultation with literacy experts, these engaging books build reader confidence along with a lifelong appreciation for nonfiction, classic stories, and biographies. There is a DK Reader to interest every child at every level, from preschool to grade 4.

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