Tree in the Trail

Tree in the Trail

by Holling Clancy Holling
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Trade Paperback, 59 pages
Price: $13.99

A cottonwood tree watches the pageant of history on the Santa Fe Trail for over two hundred years as it grows old and dies. But then it is given new life as a yoke for oxen, and actually gets to travel the trail. Used in the Beautiful Feet Geography package.

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Flaws Mild evolutionary bias
Summary: A tree experiences two hundred years alongside the Santa Fe Trail before it's cut down and made into a yoke for oxen.

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  A Biography of Nature
Jonathan of Newberg, Oregon, 8/10/2016
Tree in the trail is a wonderful book that explains the life of a small tree. It all started with a young Indian protecting a sapling from the harsh world and succeeded. And as the tree went through its life it had so many great adventures such as getting struck by lightning, becoming crooked, being protection, and more. Two friends, Jed and Buck encounter the tree and becomes its friend, and they have wonderful adventures that will last forever.