Tithing and Dominion

Tithing and Dominion

by Edward A. Powell, Rousas John Rushdoony
©1979, Item: 4476
Perfectbound, 146 pages
List Price: $12.00 Our Price: $8.00
Used Price: $4.00 (5 in stock) Condition Policy

It's funny, but although we have several used copies of this book, people keep ordering the new ones! We want to make it clear that our "used" copies are still in new condition—still shrink-wrapped even! For the immediate future, wewill not reorder new copies until we have fewer used ones to sell.

God's Kingdom covers all things in its scope, and its immediate ministry includes, according to Scripture, the ministry of grace (the church), instruction (the Christian and home school), help to the needy (the diaconate), and many other things. God's appointed means for financing His Kingdom activities is centrally the tithe.

The authors believe that the Lord's appointed work can only be done in God's appointed way. They point out, first, that the Biblical requirement of tithing is a continuing aspect of God's law-word and cannot be neglected. There is thus an exposition of the relevant Scriptures on tithing.

Second, they point out what tithing can accomplish in effecting Christian reconstruction. Tithing is God's tax for God's purposes, and His purposes stand unchanged.

Third, the authors see the relationship of tithing to the creation mandate. Tithing is an aspect of God's appointed way for man to exercise dominion and to bring all things into captivity to Christ. Tithing is thus an aspect of practical and obedient evangelism.

Fourth, tithing is shown as God-related, not church-related. The tithe is to the Lord, not to the church. The church is a recipient of a portion of the tithe only if it too is in the Lord. The administrator of the tithe is the tither: he is responsible for the godly use of God's money, and must give it to godly agencies.

Fifth, tithing is basic to holiness. It is a manifestation of our personal holiness in a practical way, and of the fact that our substance is dedicated to the Lord and His work.

This work affirms that the Biblical requirement of tithing is a continuing aspect of God's law-word and cannot be neglected. This book is "must reading" as Christians work to take dominion in the Lord's name.

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