Tale of Jemima Puddleduck in Latin

Tale of Jemima Puddleduck in Latin

Fabella de Jemima Paludivaga

by Beatrix Potter
Publisher: Canon Press
List Price: $9.95 Sale Price: $8.46

“Domina, num e via aberravisti?” dixit. Caudam longam et fruticosam habebat, cui insidebat, nam caudex aliquantulum humidus erat.

          "Madam, have you lost your way?" said he. He had a long bushy tail which he was sitting upon, as the stump was somewhat damp.

The whimsical characters of Beatrix Potter live in a no-nonsense world where mistakes have consequences, and a wrong step might get you made into meat pies by Mrs. McGregor or eaten by a fox. Sarah Hill’s vivid new Latin translations capture the simplicity and charm of the original tales in smooth, effortless Latin. Fabella de Petro Cuniculo (Peter Rabbit), Fabella de Beniamino Cuniculo (Benjamin Bunny), and Fabella de Jemima Paludivaga (Jemima Puddleduck) are sure to please students and teachers as well as any casual readers, whether children or adults. Each splendid Latin story contains Beatrix Potter’s own color illustrations along with glosses for tricky vocabulary. 

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