Spenser's Images of Life

Spenser's Images of Life

by C. S. Lewis, Alastair Fowler (Compiler), Edmund Spenser
Trade Paperback, 144 pages
List Price: $12.95 Sale Price: $11.01

This book was compiled by Alastair Fowler from notes left by C. S. Lewis at his death. It is Lewis's longest piece of literary criticism, as distinct from literary history. It approaches The Faerie Queene as a majestic pageant of the universe and nature, celebrating God as 'the glad creator', and argues that conventional views of epic and allegory must be modified if the poem is to be fully enjoyed and understood.




  1. The False Cupid
  2. Antitypes to the False Cupid
  3. Belphoebe, Amoret, and the Garden of Adonis
  4. The Image of Evil
  5. Mutability
  6. The Image of Good
  7. Britomart's Dream
  8. Faceless Knights
  9. The Misery of Florimell
  10. The Story of Arthur


     C. S. Lewis's manuscript, folio 1
     C. S. Lewis's manuscript, folio 35

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