Prairie Star

Prairie Star

by Nina Hermanna Morgan, Robert Henneberger (Illustrator)
Publisher: Viking Press
©1955, Item: 91051
Hardcover, 189 pages
Used Price: $4.80 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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A mid-nineteenth century pioneering story, patterned and warmly representative of the immigrant backbone of America, takes young Johan from his home on a Norwegian fjord, to North Dakota. It is his father's death at sea that leaves Johan bereft and decides his grandparents to take him with them to America. Mixed hope and despair go with them as they sail and make the long overland journey to Dakota, but once there encouragement comes as they settle with friends and as Johan begins to know his new surroundings. There are crops and Indians to contend with as well as Johan's struggle with English and his wish- eventually fulfilled- to study sculpturing.

– Kirkus Reviews (April 1, 1955)

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