Paddington At Large

Paddington At Large

by Michael Bond
Publisher: Dell Publishing
©1962, Item: 79690
Mass market paperback, 128 pages
Used Price: $2.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Ever since Paddington started working in the garden, it’s been a bit quieter in the Brown household. But with Paddington around, things never stay quiet for long. From a paw-sticking toffee disaster to a slight scorching of Father Christmas’s beard, Paddington brings a splash of adventure to every day.

Paddington at Large is the fifth novel by Michael Bond, chronicling the adventures of this classic character. Paddington has warmed the hearts of generations of readers with his earnest good intentions and humorous misadventures.

  1. Paddington Breaks the Peace – Paddington causes chaos trying to mow Mr Curry's lawn.
  2. Mr Gruber's Outing – Mr Gruber takes Paddington, Judy and Jonathan to the park.
  3. Goings-On at Number Thirty-two – Paddington mistakes a man installing the Browns' new television for a burglar.
  4. Paddington Hits the Jackpot – Paddington wins a TV quiz show.
  5. A Sticky Time – Paddington tries to make toffee.
  6. Trouble in the Bargain Basement – Paddington goes Christmas shopping.
  7. Paddington and the Christmas Pantomime – Paddington helps out at a local panto.
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