

by Edith Lambert Sharp, William Winter (Illustrator)
©1958, Item: 86979
Hardcover, 131 pages
Used Price: $6.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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From the dust jacket:

Several hundred years ago various tribes of the Salish Indians lived in the region which is now the State of Washington and the Province of British Columbia. One of these tribes was the Spokan, and in this tribe there was the boy Nkwala.

Nkwala had reached the time in his life when he must attempt to become a man. This is no easy task, even for an Indian boy. Nkwala must spend long and, at times, frightening vigils alone away from the tribe -thinking, praying, and performing difficult feats of skill and endurance. His skill and endurance were excellent, but time after time his thoughts and prayers were unanswered. Not until Nkwala put his life into extreme danger to save his people did he find what he was asking for.

The story of Nkwala is also the story of his tribe, its departure from a drought- stricken land, and its long, searching journey to the north to find abundant water and game. This powerful tale has earned the first presentation of the Little, Brown Canadian Children's Book Award. The award is given for the best manuscript of a children's book by a Canadian citizen or resident.

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