Mystery Beast of Ostergeest

Mystery Beast of Ostergeest

by Steven Kellogg
Publisher: Dial Press
Library Binding, 32 pages
Used Price: $9.60 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

The villagers of Ostergeest were amazed to see a clown sail into the harbor with a mammoth mysterious beast on his raft.  Well, they all tried to guess what the creature could be, but the clown just laughed and laughed. The king was decidedly nervous about having a mystery beast in his kingdom. So he sent for the six blind scholars to identify the hulking creature. They pushed and probed and pulled and poked, but each only only considered a part of the beast. Nobody considered the huge whole.

Steven Kellogg's tongue-in-cheek adaptation of an old tale points up the narrowness of quick conclusions that too many of us make. By the end of the tale readers  will agree that all of us can be blind to the simplest solutions.

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