My Dinner with Andre

My Dinner with Andre

A Screenplay for the Film by Louis Malle

by Wallace Shawn, Andre Gregory
Publisher: Grove Press, Inc.
Trade Paperback, 113 pages
Used Price: $6.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

My Dinner with Andre is a passionate, volatile, and humorous encounter between two friends who have not seen each other for a long time, and decide to catch up on each others' lives over dinner. Andre Gregory is an intense, highly experimental theater director and playwright in search of life's meanings and spiritual revelations. His friend, Wally Shawn, is an actor and playwright living in New York who is more preoccupied with the search for his next meal. As Andre recounts his global journeys involving esoteric theatrical experiments and mystical adventures, Wally listens with more than skepticism, as his attitudes shift among wonder, puzzlement, admiration, and anger. What finally emerges is a sensitive portrait of a friendship that survives and transcends contrasting assumptions about love, death, art, and man's continuing quest for self-fulfillment.

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