Mother West Wind's Animal Friends

Mother West Wind's Animal Friends

Thornton Burgess Peter Cottontail Books #3
by Thornton W. Burgess, George Kerr (Illustrator)
Publisher: Dover Publications
Trade Paperback, 128 pages
List Price: $6.00 Sale Price: $5.10

Mother West Wind's Animal Friends, Thornton W. Burgess's third book in his Mother West Wind series, was published in 1912 originally by Little, Brown. It is preceded by Mother West Wind's Children, and followed by Mother West Wind's Neighbors. This book, the third in the Mother West Wind series continues the adventures of Peter Rabbit, Old Grandfather Frog, Johnny Chuck and the other animals that inhabit the Green Meadow and Green Forest. Children will love hearing, and reading, about how Prickly Porky got his quills, Peter Rabbit's egg rolling celebration of Easter, Peter's run for his life, how Johnny Chuck found a use for his back door, why Billy Mink went without dinner one day, and ten other stories that are sure to entertain.

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