Little Bear

Little Bear

An I Can Read Book Level 1
by Else Holmelund Minarik, Maurice Sendak (Illustrator)
Publisher: HarperCollins
Mass market paperback, 63 pages
List Price: $5.99 Sale Price: $5.09
Used Price: $2.40 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

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This is the first I Can Read Book ever, and the first of five classic Little Bear books, expressly designed for beginning readers. Elsa Holmelund Minarik and Maurice Sendak teamed up to create these simple stories that are deeply comforting and lovingly playful. In one story, "Birthday Soup," Little Bear cannot find his mother and presumes she has forgotten his birthday. With the prospect of guests arriving and no cake in sight, he sets out to make birthday soup (all his friends like soup). Just as the gathering is sitting down for soup, Mother Bear shows up with a big, beautiful birthday cake. "I never did forget your birthday, and I never will," she says to her son as he hugs her leg. In "Little Bear Goes to the Moon," Little Bear declares that he will fly to the moon in his new space helmet. Mother Bear tells him to be back by lunch, and he is. The gentle, teasing repartee between Little Bear and his mother will delight young readers, and the spacious layout and large type will encourage them to keep on reading!

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Summary: Little Bear makes birthday soup, flies to the moon, and puts on far too much snow clothing.

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  Good Book
Logan Allen of Vancouver, 7/11/2016
I liked all of the stories. "Little Bear Goes to the Moon" was my favorite because he thought he landed on the moon. He was imagining.
  Little Bear Goes To The Moon
Annabel - age 5 of Tennessee, 6/10/2016
I liked it because it was funny. I liked it because Little Bear thought that he was on the moon. My favorite part was when Little Bear tried to jump off a tree to try to go to the moon.
  I Like This Book!
Anna, 6/5/2016
Little Bear is funny because he says that he is going to make birthday soup. He only had a hat on and was so cold outside. His mother helped him get dressed with more things so that he would not be so cold.
  Delightful Story for Children
Albanyaloe of South Africa, 6/9/2011
We have been happy to be introduced to the wonderful world of Little Bear. Little Bear stories are simple stories that remind one of times gone by, where Mother Bear is at home, she sews clothers for him, bakes and tells him stories. You will meet Litle Bears special friends who are full of character. Little Bear is just like any human child and his sense of humour will appeal to children. This particular book will be read by an early reader with ease. Sendaks's classic drawings add charm to this book. Try some of the other Little bear stories. One story does feature a goblin, but we just omit that one. Those who do not like animals talking or fantasy will probably not like this series.