King Midas and the Golden Touch

King Midas and the Golden Touch

by M. Charlotte Craft, K. Y. Craft (Illustrator)
Publisher: HarperCollins
Trade Paperback, 32 pages
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64

Midas has everything a king could wish for – a prosperous kingdom, faithful servants, a beautiful garden, and loads and loads of gold, which he loves almost as much as his daughter Aurelia. However, this isn’t enough for Midas, and when a stranger appears in his counting rooms to offer his anything he wants, Midas leaps at the chance and asks that whatever he touches turns to gold. The stranger obliges, and Midas immediately begins running around touching things.

At first, Midas couldn’t be happier with his gift, as he very quickly turns into the wealthiest man on earth. However, there begin to be a few drawbacks. How can Midas see out of his glasses if they turn solid gold when he touches them? How is he supposed to eat breakfast if the figs he touches are instantly transformed as well? But when Midas accidentally touches his beloved Aurelia, he realizes things have gone too far. Fortunately for Midas, who has by now thoroughly learned his lesson, the stranger appears and informs him how to get rid of his curse. A humbler Midas puts a stop to his hoarding habits, but still keeps a golden rose as a reminder of his former folly.

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