Keeping Quilt

Keeping Quilt

by Patricia Polacco
Publisher: Aladdin Paperbacks
Trade Paperback, 32 pages
List Price: $7.99 Sale Price: $6.79

Great Grandmother Anna made a quilt when she first came to America from Russia. It was made of snippets of her dresses and her babushka, and was sewn together by her mother and neighbors. Anna got married under it, held her first baby in it, and used it to keep her legs warm when she was old. Even after Anna died, her children and grandchildren kept the quilt. Anna’s daughter got married under it. Her granddaughter used it as a table cloth for her birthday party. In this touching tale, more than six generations cherish the quilt Anna made. The Keeping Quilt is a beautiful story of hope and remembrance that belongs on every bookshelf.

Review by Hadley Payne (nee Ayers)
Hadley was an exemplary employee at Exodus for several years. Full of life and laughter, she is an avid reader who loves both classics and popular literature. Her reviews are clear, helpful and often witty. Check more of them out here.

Review by Hadley Payne (née Ayers)
Hadley Ayers was an exemplary employee at Exodus for several years. Full of life and laughter, she is an avid reader who loves both classics and popular literature. Her reviews are clear, helpful and often witty. Check more of them out here.
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