Joyfully at Home

Joyfully at Home

A Book for Young Ladies on Vision and Hope

by Jasmine Baucham
Publisher: Vision Forum
Hardcover, 245 pages
Current Retail Price: $18.00
Used Price: $8.00 (3 in stock) Condition Policy

By age fourteen, Jasmine Baucham’s little-girl dreams of becoming a mommy were supplanted by bigger visions of winning the Pulitzer Prize or an Oscar and appearing on Oprah. She began viewing the calling of home and marriage as second-rate. Then her world was radically challenged by the Scriptures, as she went from craving personal renown to craving to please the Lord through delighting in his design for the joyful home—an even bigger dream, she realized, than stardom.

In Joyfully at Home, Jasmine writes with verve and transparency about her own struggles and triumphs as a young woman, encouraging other girls to embrace a vision for the home as a hub of ministry and discipleship and as a training ground for life ahead. With humor, humility, and heart, Jasmine tackles the tough questions girls face, offering practical counsel on how to overcome false views of marriage, husbands, and singleness.

I want to encourage young women . . . to be enthusiastic and vibrant, purposeful and driven, meticulous and passionately focused in pursuit of the Lord's will for their time at home.
Jasmine Baucham
"Why do single young women choose to stay at home? Can they be fulfilled and content under their father's roof? What do they do with their time? Jasmine Baucham has written a winsome, compelling, and hard-hitting book which will encourage and inspire all the women in your home! Joyfully at Home will challenge your thinking and help you honestly answer the really tough questions."
Beall Phillips
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  Takes You Back To the Bible On This Issue...
Miss Pickwickian of Oregon, 1/11/2011
A relatively balanced book on Christian womanhood directed towards unmarried girls, young and old, at home or moved out.
I was skeptical, mostly because of the title, but Jasmine Baucham does not try to argue that you must stay at home, and instead gives a quiet argument for a woman's general calling.

Conversationally toned, but pretty well organized. Laid back. Stays out of your face. Good at going back to the Bible.

It seems like a lot of books on this subject focus on the implications and not the root. We can read pages and pages on purity or service, but if our focus is not on Christ we're pretty hopeless.
"Joyfully at Home" didn't leave this root issue out, but saved it, for the most part, for the last section of the book. I thought it would have been better at the beginning and then constantly brought back through out the rest of the book.
However, it's full of wisdom and encouragement whatever order. We should be remembering the emphasis of our lives ourselves, anyway.

Jasmine Baucham is a commited Christian that sincerely wants to honor God. She takes on a tamer, humbler view than many books on the subject, that she has diligently tried to back up by going back to Scripture over and over. She's sure of what she believes and argues it well.

She won't tell you what to do, but she will tell you how to find out. Certainly a breath of fresh air for both "stay-at-home-daughters" and girls with current ambitions outside the home.

Engaging food for thought... Highly recommend it.