Insect Life

Insect Life

Eyes and No Eyes #6
by Arabella B. Buckley
Publisher: Living Book Press
Print-on-demand paperback, 88 pages
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64

The sixth volume in the Eyes and No Eyes series introduces children to insect life by collecting a variety of specimens and then examining them in detail, identifying their parts and observing their life cycles. Includes caterpillars, familiar moths and butterflies, harmful and useful beetles, wasps and bees, flies, ants, and crickets and grasshoppers.

First published by Cassell in 1903, the illustrations were originally sketches or paintings. This reprint from Living Books Press includes a few of those pictures, but also incorporates many more modern color photographs (which may be of similar creatures and plants native to other regions than the UK). The formatting is more compact than in the Yesterday's Classics edition, but it is still very clear and easy-to-read.

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