Hurlbut's Story of the Bible

Hurlbut's Story of the Bible

Told For Young and Old

by Rev. Jesse Lyman Hurlbut
Print-on-demand paperback, 631 pages
Price: $22.95

A book which stands in such honor as the Bible should be known by all. And the time when one can most readily obtain a familiarity with the Bible is in early life. Those who in childhood learn the Story of the Bible are fortunate, for they will never forget it.

In this unabridged and unedited edition you will find all the principal stories of the Bible, each one complete in itself, while together combining to form a continuous narrative. With 168 stories from both the Old Testament and the New Testament, there is ample material for a full year of reading. Since the book is designed to lead the young reader to the Bible itself, and not away from it, the language of the Bible, or a language somewhat like that of the Bible, has been employed. The Bible stories are made plain with explanation of unfamiliar terms as they are introduced, but the stories themselves are not rewritten or changed. In avoiding doctrinal bias, the author hopes that all denominations of Christians may feel at home in the pages of this book.

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