Hundred Dresses

Hundred Dresses

by Eleanor Estes, Louis Slobodkin (Illustrator)
Publisher: Harcourt
Mass market paperback, 81 pages
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64
Used Price: $4.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Wanda Petronski wore the same faded-blue dress to school every day. It was always clean, but it looked as though it had never been ironed properly. One day when a classmate showed up wearing a bright new dress that was much admired, Wanda said suddenly, "I have a hundred dresses at home."

That had started the teasing game of dresses, which Peggy and Maddie played with Wanda. It was fun to stop Wanda on the way to school and ask, "How many dresses did you say you had?" Wanda did have the hundred dresses and this is the story of how Peggy and Maddie came to understand about them and what the game meant to Wanda.

A lovely story, sensitively illustrated, and with an important lesson to tell, The Hundred Dresses remains among the most popular of children's books.

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Summary: Wanda Petronski claims she has a hundred dresses, and Peggy and Maddie don't believe her until it's too late.

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  The Hundred Dresses
Lucia Gilbert of Portland, OR, 8/24/2016
I like it because a girl kept asking her how many dresses she had. That girl hurt her feelings.