Great Monster Hunt

Great Monster Hunt

The Story of the Loch Ness Investigation

by David C. Cooke, Yvonne Cooke
Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
Library Binding, 112 pages
Used Price: $4.80 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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"Legends and folklore about strange creatures are abundant in the Scottish Highlands.  Among the tales are stories of a monster that lives in Scotland's Loch Ness.  Records of sightings of this unidentified beast are centuries old.

When accounts of sightings of the creature began to appear in newspapers in 1933, the modern world was amused by the thought of a legend come true.  The setting was ideal.  Loch Ness, one of the deepest lakes in the world, is too murky for underwater exploration, and its currents are such that anything submerged in it is never washed ashore.

Only recently has this monster hunt become a matter for scientific study.  Each year since 1963, dozens of people from all parts of the world have volunteered to spend their summer vacations as "monster-watchers" for the Loch Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau.  The University of Birmingham recently entered the search also, with a new type of sonar device.  The results of the Birmingham investigation are included here.

In the years of concentrated study a few pieces of evidence have been found –but more questions have arisen.

David and Yvonne Cooke wanted to sort out fact from fancy for themselves and, if possible, learn whether there really was a large unidentified creature in Loch Ness.  They traveled to Scotland to talk to investigators, interview witnesses, and observe the loch.  This book is a report of their findings, and it provides fascinating reading for scientist, skeptic, and romantic alike."

--From the dust jacket


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