God-Centered Evangelism

God-Centered Evangelism

by R. B. Kuiper
Trade Paperback, 245 pages
Price: $12.00

"Here," writes John Murray, "we have the theology of evangelism, and evangelism without scriptural theology has lost its moorings. R. B. Kuiper's writing, as his preaching and lecturing, was always characterized by clarity and simplicity."

This book begins with God as the author of evangelism, and shows the relation of His love, election, covenant and commission to it. There are chapters on scope, urgency, motive, aim, agent, approach, means, message, method, effectiveness and triumph of evangelism. Dr. Kuiper also deals with zeal for cooperation in, and resistance to evangelism.

Table of Contents:


  1. God the Author of Evangelism
  2. God's Infinite Love and Evangelism
  3. God's Sovereign Election and Evangelism
  4. God's Gracious Covenant and Evangelism
  5. God Sovereign Commission and Evangelism
  6. God and the Scope of Evangelism
  7. God and the Urgency of Evangelism
  8. God and the Motive of Evangelism
  9. God and the Aim of Evangelism
  10. God and the Agent of Evangelism
  11. God and the Approach of Evangelism
  12. God and the Means of Evangelism
  13. God and the Message of Evangelism
  14. God and Zeal for Evangelism
  15. God and the Method of Evangelism
  16. God and the Effectiveness of Evangelism
  17. God and Resistance to Evangelism
  18. God and the Triumph of Evangelism

    Index of Scripture Passages
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