Geronimo: Apache Freedom Fighter

Geronimo: Apache Freedom Fighter

Native American Biographies
by Spring Hermann
Publisher: Enslow
Library Binding, 128 pages
Used Price: $4.80 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Geronimo was a great Apache warrior and tribal leader. After his entire family was murdered by Mexican raiders in the 1850s, Geronimo led attacks on settlers and soldiers across Mexico and the southwestern United States. As more and more settlers pushed into Apache territory during the 1870s and 1880s, Geronimo made daring escapes from reservations and fought relentlessly against United States troops. Geronimo was eventually tricked into surrendering, but was never captured in battle.

In Geronimo: Apache Freedom Fighter, author Spring Hermann describes the life and times of this legendary Native American. From his rise to power as a young tribal leader, to his later fame as a public figure, Geronimo waged a continuing battle for the freedom of the Apache people. For this, his name will always be remembered.

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