Forest Folk

Forest Folk

by Mary Buff (Author), Conrad Buff (Author)
Publisher: Viking Press
Fifth Printing, 1967, ©1962, Item: 74406
Hardcover, 73 pages
Used Price: $6.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

As in "Dash and Dart", the classic story of twin fawns, simple rhythmic sentences convey the mood and movement and beauty of forest life through the season. Dash is now a handsome three-year-old Buck, and has become the rival of Old Horn, who still reigns as king of the forest. the two bucks have fought many battles, and always the younger one has been defeated: only at the time of year when all the bucks have shed their antlers are Dash and Old Horn at peace with each other. but winter passes and spring brings a surge of new life--and Dash wins his place as leader of the herd. "As he struts through the tall grasses Of fallen log meadow, they follow him humbly. He is now their king. He is now king of the forest, as he always hoped he might be, One day."

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