Egyptian Cinderella

Egyptian Cinderella

by Shirley Climo, Ruth Heller (Illustrator)
Publisher: HarperCollins
Trade Paperback, 32 pages
List Price: $7.99 Sale Price: $6.79

Rhodopis is not Egyptian. She is Greek, and has golden hair and green eyes. Because she’s so different, the Egyptian servant girls tease her and make her do all the work. But when the gods see her kindness and gentleness in the face of adversity, a very different fate for her is soon set in motion. Little does Rhodopis know, but the falcon who has snatched one of her rosy-red slippers will take it to the Pharaoh himself, and the Pharaoh will not stop searching for the maiden who can fit into it.

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  Egyptian Cinderella
Noah F of Oregon, 6/8/2016
I like the Egyptian Cinderella because it totally matched the story of the Princess Cinderella. I could understand it well. It told me if I am rude to someone, a problem will come to me, so it represents the Bible. What I don't like is that the characters worship the gods and goddesses and it talks about it in the book a little bit.