Doors to Discovery

Doors to Discovery

CLE Reading to Learn
by Ruth Kurtz Hobbs
Hardcover, 382 pages
Current Retail Price: $14.50
Used Price: $8.50 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Is it worthwhile to know how to read? Johnny Liklak doesn't think so. He'd rather be walrus hunting—until the day the flying whale comes. Then Johnny learns that reading is a doorway to discovery. Open Doors to Discovery to learn about life in other countries and other times. Peep in on the Stravitsky family, wondering if the Revolution will destroy their home. Put your ear to the keyhole and listen to Jack and Kenny argue—is it possible to be too honest? Watch Ben and Betsy entertain their strange visitor. Wonder with Chan—Is the God of Heaven really more powerful than our wooden idol? And rejoice that He is. Third grade.

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  A Gem of A Reader!
Albanyaloe of South Africa, 6/9/2011
Christian Light Education publishes a fantastic series of readers, and this one is no exception. Character building stories, Bible stories and poetry are interspersed throughout the hardback reader. You won't find fantasy, mythology and such in this gentle reader, this is pure Godly reading material. If used with the CLE Light units, it becomes a complete reading program. CLE's reading programs are known for encouraging comprehensive thinking skills, rather than pure regurgitation of facts. Whether you choose to use it for homeschool, or simply as an addition to your library, you'll be pleased with the quality of this reader.