Prisoners of the Sun

Prisoners of the Sun

Adventures of Tintin
by Herge
Trade Paperback, 62 pages
List Price: $14.99 Sale Price: $12.74

In this sequel to The Seven Crystal Balls, Tintin, Snowy and Captain Haddock must find Professor Calculus. The trail leads to Peru in one of Tintin's strangest and most exciting adventures.

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Flaws Comic book action, animism
Summary: Tintin harnesses a solar eclipse in order to awe the sun-worshipping Incas about to kill him and his friends.

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  Action Comic
Reece of Washougal, 8/25/2016
Tintin is looking for a friend who was taken prisoner by the Incas. Tintin is led through rain forest and mountains by a young orange seller. They accidentally stumble upon a native celebration that almost gets them killed. I love this book because it is very exciting and interesting! I would recommend it to people who like comics and action.
  Prisoners of the Sun
Happy Homemaker of Oregon, 12/27/2011
This is the second in a two-part series, where Tintin started out searching for Pro. Calcus, and now is trying to discover the secret of the crystal balls. They end up barely escaping being sacrificed to the heathen gods,and seeing with their own eyes the treasure of the Aztecs!
I do, however, give one caution for this book. In it the Axtec priests practice voodooism. Not a reason to avoid the book, just something to be aware of.