Classical Conversations: Education Trilogy

Classical Conversations: Education Trilogy

Item: 62831
Trade Paperback
List Price: $49.99 Our Price: $49.99

The Core:

In this approachable book on classical education, Leigh Bortins describes the rigorous academics that form the core of a solid education. The first few chapters are an overview of classical education in comparison to modern education. The rest of The Core provides both inspiration and specific goals that encourage parents to lead their children through a solid academic program. By building a strong foundation in grammar school, students will advance more competently and confidently through higher education.

The Question:

In 2010, Leigh Bortins published The Core: Teaching Your Child the Foundations of a Classical Education. Parents across the nation were encouraged that they could provide a quality elementary education at home. Now, parents are wondering what to do with all the facts their children have memorized.In her second book on classical education, Bortins explains how to foster an inquisitive spirit and challenge students with rigorous academics in the middle and early high school years. The Question guides parents through the five essential question types that help students become analytical thinkers.The Questionprovides both inspiration and specific goals that encourage parents to walk with their children through an engaging and challenging study of core subjects.

The Conversation:

Why do so many families stop homeschooling when their children reach high school? Why, when young adults are mature enough to apply their knowledge and communicate wisely, do we emphasize silence, lectures, and multiple-choice tests?

In The Conversation, her third book on classical, home-centered education, Leigh Bortins looks back on thirty years of homeschooling as she makes a compelling case for parents to stay the course through high school and experience the rich conversations that emerge during the rhetoric stage of learning.

  • Conversations strengthen and unify the family.
  • Conversations enliven the academic content that guides students to become virtuous adults.
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