Child's Garden of Verses

Child's Garden of Verses

by Robert Louis Stevenson, Tasha Tudor (Illustrator)
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
Hardcover, 67 pages
Current Retail Price: $19.99
Used Price: $11.60 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Here is a delightful look at childhood, written by master poet and storyteller Robert Louis Stevenson. In this collection of sixty-six poems, Stevenson recalls the joys of his childhood, from sailing boats down a river, to waiting for the lamplighter, to sailing off to foreign lands in his imagination. Tasha Tudor's watercolor paintings evoke a simpler time in the past, and celebrate two of the things she loves most—children and nature. Her talents are the perfect match for these inspiring poems, making this a handsome gift edition that will be cherished by families for generations.

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Summary: Beautiful pastoral poetry from the author of Kidnapped and Treasure Island.

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  Great Poetry Book
Anna of West Linn, 8/31/2016
Robert Louis Stevenson the writer of these hard to put down poems understood how to intertain children. I loved and admired his good poems. I tried to make up poems as good as his but did't get anywere with it. I recomend this book to ages 8 up.
Noel, 6/12/2016
This book is lovely and beautiful and feels romantic to me. I like the way the author puts the words so nicely.
  A Child's Garden of Verses
Lauren of Salem, OR, 6/2/2016
Written mostly from a child's point of view, these masterfully constructed poems capture the beauty of everyday life, and offer a window into the soaring imagination of children. Be prepared to build block cities, climb mountains of hay, and swing higher than ever before!
  A Must Have
Silvia of Texas, 4/7/2011
All homes need a copy of A Child's Garden of Verses! Delightful and everlasting charming for all ages.