Cat in the Hat

Cat in the Hat

by Dr. Seuss
Publisher: Random House
Hardcover, 62 pages
List Price: $9.99 Sale Price: $8.49
Used Price: $2.80 (4 in stock) Condition Policy

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The sun did not shine,

It was too wet to play.

So we sat in the house

All that cold, cold, wet day.”

Little do the children know, but their boring day is about to be turned topsy-turvy when the mischievous, fun-loving Cat in the hat walks into their house. With his marvelous juggling skills, his extraordinary tricks thing one and thing two, not to mention his willingness to help clean up afterwards, Dr. Seuss’s best-loved character is about to walk into your life and charm you the same way he’s charmed countless children for generations. Enter the Cat in the Hat!

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  I Like This Book
Logan Allen of Vancouver, 7/16/2016
This book is really great because the Cat wanted to play good games with the kids. But the Cat's games turned out to be a mess!
  Did Not Know What to Say
Sincerelyornot of Oregon, 10/24/2011
"Sally and I
Did not know what to say
Did we tell her
The things we did today?"

What's really nice about Dr Seuss is, kids you babysit ask to read it again and again. And eventually you memorize it so we can "read" in the dark when you're really tired, and the kids are asleep faster and you have it in your head forever!