Bunny My Honey

Bunny My Honey

by Anita Jeram
Publisher: Scholastic Inc.
Mass market paperback
Used Price: $1.60 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

How Bunny loves his mommy! And Mommy adores her little one. "Bunny, my Honey," she says, showing him how to do special rabbity things, like running and hopping, digging, and twitching his nose, and thumping his great big feet. Bunny's best friends are Little Duckling and Miss Mouse. They play quack-quacky games, squeaky games, and thump-thump-thumpy games together. But one day Bunny runs too far on his own and gets lost in the deep woods. The more Bunny looks for his friends and his mommy, the more lost he becomes. Bunny cries, "I want my Mommy!" until, at last, she arrives to cuddle and kiss him and put her twitchy nose on his twitchy nose.

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