Black Ships Before Troy

Black Ships Before Troy

The Story of the Iliad

by Rosemary Sutcliff (Editor), Alan Lee (Illustrator)
Publisher: Frances Lincoln
Library Binding, 128 pages
List Price: $22.99 Sale Price: $19.54

Historical Setting: Ancient Troy, Greece

Homer's epic poem, The Iliad, is one of the greatest adventure stories of all time. In this fabulous retelling, based on the latest research on Ancient Greece and Troy, Rosemary Sutcliff charts the history of the Trojan War from its origins with the goddess Aphrodite and the golden apple, through Paris's abduction of Helen and the heroics of Achilles, Ajax and Hector. Finally, the cunning Odysseus conceives a plan to build an enormous wooden horse (this from Virgil's Aeneid) and bring the bitter siege to its fiery conclusion.

This magnificent book retells the story in a way that most children could read and understand. The illustrations by Alan Lee (of Lord of the Rings fame) are incredible—at times ghostly, and sometimes gruesome (though in a beautiful sort of way), depicting many scenes from the Trojan War.

Our Honest Opinion:

We would NOT recommend this for everyone, and warn those who are interested that there is a single picture that includes nudity and that other pictures may be disturbing, but for people interested in Greek mythology, this would be an incredible addition to your library.

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