Big Bedtime Storybook

Big Bedtime Storybook

by Patsy Scarry, Cyndy Szekeres (Illustrator)
Publisher: Random House
Hardcover, 69 pages
Used Price: $3.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Here are sixteen short, lively stories about Little Richard, a small rabbit who lives deep in the woods with his parents and animal friends. One of these gentle stories at bedtime will delight a small child. Older children will ask to hear two or three in a row. Whatever the child's age, she will grow to love the warm, special world of Little Richard.

Table of Contents:

  1. Mother's Helper
  2. Tracking
  3. The Surprise
  4. Be Sure to Bring It Home
  5. Pirates
  6. The Big Hike
  7. What a Clever Rabbit!
  8. Guests for the Night
  9. Pockets
  10. Baby-Sitting
  11. The Birthday Present
  12. The Message-Sender
  13. The Saturday Surprise
  14. Being Birds
  15. First Snow
  16. Here Comes Daddy!
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