Best Mistake Ever! and Other Stories

Best Mistake Ever! and Other Stories

A Step into Reading Book Level 3
by Richard Scarry
Publisher: Random House
Trade Paperback, 48 pages
List Price: $4.99 Sale Price: $4.24
Used Price: $2.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy
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  Mistakes Can Be Good!
Anna (age 7) of Oregon, 6/9/2016
Huckle Cat wanted to help mother clean the house. He dusted the dust all around the house and washed the dishes with too much soap. So mother said that he better ACTUALLY help by going to the store and she made him a list. The list was butter, cream, apples, potatoes and oranges. But when Huckle got to the store, he realized that he forgot his list! This is a really good story. You will see that funny things will happen when he finds his best friend in the store and makes lot of awful food mistakes that turn out to be good! That is why I really love the book!