Bag in the Wind

Bag in the Wind

by Ted Kooser, Barry Root (illustrator)
Publisher: Candlewick Press
Used Price: $3.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

One cold morning in early spring, a bulldozer pushed a pile. of garbage around a landfill and unearthed an empty plastic bag—just the color of the skin of a yellow onion, with two holes for handles. It was a perfectly good bag, but someone had thrown it away. When a gust of wind blows the bag out of the landfill, it drifts into the lives of several townsfolk—not that all of them notice.

Ted Kooser, formerly a United States Poet Laureate, has fashioned an understated yet compassionate world, full of happenstance and connection, neglect and conservation, all of which is perfectly expressed in Barry Root's tender illustrations.

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