Autumn's Brightness

Autumn's Brightness

by Daisy Newman (Author)
Publisher: Macmillan
Special Family Bookshelf Edition, 1989, ©1954, Item: 74401
Hardcover, 251 pages
Used Price: $4.80 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Diligence Fuller had begun her visit to her cousin in New York City with every expectation of enjoying herself. Her grown children had assured her that the trip would do her good, and she herself longed to add some new luster to the ordered life she'd been leading since her husband's death. But to her dismay, the big, bustling city only made her homesick - until, impulsively, she accepted an invitation from a virtual stranger to go for a ride on the Elevated. That was the beginning of a remarkable adventure. Exploring the city with handsome, gallant Durand Smith, Dilly at last caught the magic that had eluded her. And the enchantment of their first evening together carried over into all they shared in the weeks that followed. It wasn't a matter of expensive entertainment, since Durand obviously was not wealthy. Indeed, there was something very mysterious about his circumstances. Yet when Elmira, her cousin, spoke darkly of "fortune hunters," Dilly refused to listen. Durand had drawn a charmed circle about her; she was a girl again, enjoying the light-hearted pleasures forbidden in her austere childhood. As matters developed, Dilly was abruptly awakened from her beautiful dream to a startling reality. A strange new emotion, overwhelming as an ocean wave, was sweeping her beyond all that was safe and familiar, sweeping her toward a man whom she scarcely knew, a future she could not imagine ....

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