Arthur Erskine's Story

Arthur Erskine's Story

A Tale of the Days of Knox

Reformation Trail Series #14
by Deborah Alcock
Trade Paperback, 526 pages
List Price: $25.95 Sale Price: $22.06

Near the seat she had chosen, beside the window, were the two things that she loved best in the world, and would have found the greatest difficulty in doing without. There stood her embroidery frame, with a very elaborate piece of work half-finished upon it. During the last few days, this work had necessarily given place to the higher duty of loving ministrations to the dying. But she was bound to complete it within a certain time, and therefore gladly took advantage of the first available moment to return to it. Something else, much more truly and deeply loved, lay on a small table near. It was a moderate-sized book, strongly bound in dark brown leather. Had you opened it, you would have found the Old and New Testaments in the French tongue, and matter enough besides, compressed into a narrow space, to have furnished a small but very useful theological library. There were references, indices, tables of contents, historical summaries.

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