Archimedes and the Door of Science

Archimedes and the Door of Science

by Jeanne Bendick
Publisher: Bethlehem Books
Trade Paperback, 143 pages
List Price: $14.95 Sale Price: $12.71

One day, when Archimedes and Hiero were having their favorite argument, Archimedes said that it was quite easy to apply mathematics to real things.

"In fact," he said firmly, "I have figured it out carefully, and there is no weight anywhere, that could not be moved if enough force were applied."

He waved his arm grandly under King Hiero's nose. "Had I but another earth on which to stand, my friend," he said, "I could move this earth itself."

. . . Though it was impossible for Archimedes to move the physical world, there is no doubt he moved the world of science.
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  The Greatest Scientist in History!
Anna of West Linn, 8/31/2016
This book is about one of the most famous scientists that ever lived....Archimedes. I learned that if you place an object in water the amount of water that overflows is the same amount of the water it displaces. If you read this book you will find out all of Archimedes experiments and learn a lot. You will also learn about a lot of funny things he did because he was so into science! I recommend this book for ages 9 and up.