Apache Gold

Apache Gold

A Story of the Strange Southwest

by Joseph A. Altsheler
©1940, Item: 89374
Library Rebind, 383 pages
Used Price: $6.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

The books in this section are usually hardcover and in decent shape, though we'll sometimes offer hard-to-find books in lesser condition at a reduced price. Though we often put images of the book with their original dust jackets, the copies here won't always (or even often) have them. If that is important to you, please call ahead or say so in the order comments! 

Nothing interests boys and girls quite so much as a treasure hunt. They should welcome this exciting story by one of their favorite authors.

This book is a tale of the far Southwest, of high mountains, abandoned dwellings, venomous Apaches and a hunt for treasure lost by Spaniards centuries before. Charles Wayne, a telegrapher at a small way station in Arizona, pities a tramp who is knocked from an express train by a brakeman. In his delirium before he dies the tramp repeats directions for finding a treasure. Charles then resigns and goes in search of the treasure which is destined to lead him into dangerous encounters with the Apaches and exciting adventure.

The life of the Western camper is here described in a way which boys will find interesting, and the early life of the Indian cliff dwellers and the west is told with great historical accuracy.

from the dust jacket

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