America's Paul Revere

America's Paul Revere

by Esther Forbes, Lynd Ward (Illustrator)
Publisher: Sandpiper Books
Trade Paperback, 46 pages
List Price: $12.99 Sale Price: $11.04

Historical Setting: Massachusetts, 1775 A. D.

The inspiration for America's Paul Revere came to Lynd Ward one day while he was reading Esther Forbes's Pulitzer Prize-winning biography, Paul Revere and the World He Lived In. Mr. Ward began to wonder if there could not be books for younger children that would, through words and pictures, recreate American history and portray the men who have helped make this country great.

As Ward thought about Paul Revere's life, illustrations for such a book took shape in his mind, and he finally decided to approach the publishers of Paul Revere and the World He Lived In with his plan for a children's book.

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