Adventures of Robin Hood

Adventures of Robin Hood

by E. Charles Vivian, Jules Gotlieb (Illustrator)
©1965, Item: 60137
Library Binding, 160 pages
Used Price: $2.40 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Robin Hood, champion of the poor and opponent of the Sheriff of Nottingham, takes refuge in the Sherwood Forest and outwits his enemies with daring and panache.

Table of Contents:

  1. How Sebald the Serf Got Food
  2. How Robin Took to the Woods
  3. How Robin Dined with the Sheriff
  4. Little John's Quarter-Staff
  5. Guy of Gisborne's First Attempt
  6. Friar Tuck Joins the Band
  7. How Robin Won the Silver Arrow
  8. The Rescue of Maid Marian
  9. How the Sheriff Took a Hand
  10. How the Sheriff Came Home
  11. How They Got Will Scarlett Back
  12. News from the East
  13. The Black Knight Appears
  14. The End of Evil Hold
  15. How Sir Richard Paid His Debt
  16. The Game of Buffets
  17. How Guy of Gisborne Tried Again
  18. The Named Arrow
  19. The Tale of Alan-a-Dale
  20. Guy of Gisborne's Last Attempt
  21. The Last Arrow
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