Wild Life in Woods and Fields

Wild Life in Woods and Fields

Eyes and No Eyes #1
by Arabella B. Buckley
Publisher: Living Book Press
Print-on-demand paperback, 61 pages
List Price: $7.99 Sale Price: $6.79

First volume in the Eyes and No Eyes series, introduces the youthful reader to the variety of animal and plant life that three children observe on their way to school through fields and woods. The goal of the series is to inspire children to become keen observers of wildlife and to heighten their curiosity about their natural surroundings. 

First published by Cassell in 1903, the illustrations were originally sketches or paintings. This reprint from Living Books Press includes a few of those pictures, but also incorporates many more modern color photographs (which may be of similar creatures and plants native to other regions than the UK). The formatting is more compact than in the Yesterday's Classics edition, but it is still very clear and easy-to-read.

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