Tunnel of Hugsy Goode

Tunnel of Hugsy Goode

by Eleanor Estes, Edward Ardizzone (Illustrator)
Hardcover, 244 pages
Used Price: $11.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Nobody believed Hugsy Goode when he prophesied that a tunnel lay beneath the Alley–that unique place on the campus of Grandby College known to all readers of Eleanor Estes previous book, The Alley. Thus, it fell to a new generation of children–and in particular to eleven-year-old Nicholas Carroll (alias Copin Nubsy Carroll) and eight-year-old Timothy Hill Fabian (alias Tornid Nubsy Fabian)–to discover and explore the tunnel.

Copin and Tornid started out at the vine-covered hole outside the house where Hugsy Goode used to live. As they chipped away at the brick wall on the side of the hole, their excavations were frequently interrupted by the need to keep their activities secret from all the other residents of the Alley, especially Tornid's two sisters, Isabel (Contamination Blue-Eyes) and Beatrice (Contamination Black-Eyes). Once they made the breakthrough, however, they found themselves mystified and more than a little frightened by the voices that seemed to emanate from the tunnel, by the parts of a skeleton they discovered, and by the man they saw sitting in the chair they had named the Throne of Hugsy Goode.

How they solve these various puzzles is related with the special humor, imagination, and charm that have become Eleanor Estes' hallmark. Once again she has created a fascinating group of people who will live long in the hearts and minds of all her readers.

from the dust jacket

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