Three Months Under the Snow

Three Months Under the Snow

by J. J. Porchat
Trade Paperback, 122 pages
List Price: $9.95 Sale Price: $8.46

Three months under the snow?! Is this some fictitious tale of a North Pole expedition? Or, if it is true, how did anyone live to tell the story?

Translated from 19th century French, Three Months Under the Snow is a school boy's own diary of his captivity with his grandfather in a Jura Mountain châlet.

Your heart will throb with Louis as he tells of their narrow escape from fire, their fear of his father's well-being, rationing their lamplight, a terrible hurricane, wolves, Grandfather's last hours, the heart-rending burial, and the final rescue from the snow-covered prison.

Learn of God's providence as time and again He proves Himself sovereign and as Grandfather interprets it to his grandson.

Recommended reading for every teenager!

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