They Didn't Use Their Heads

They Didn't Use Their Heads

by Jo Ann Stover
Perfectbound, 45 pages
List Price: $6.99 Sale Price: $5.94

"There are many ways to use your head," begins author-artist Jo Ann Stover in her rhyming tale that centers on the misadventures of certain whimsical characters and at the same time makes an unforgettable case for good behavior. Similar in style to the popular If Everybody Did, this amusing and thought-provoking book will appeal to both children and adults.

The true pricelessness of this beautifully illustrated book is that it speaks to children of all ages—yes, I mean adults alike: Its lessons will remain with you always. This book is a treasure and should be hardbound and displayed proudly on your bookcase among your other prized literature. Better yet, place it conspicuously on your coffee table for visitors to read: People are never too young or old to learn and grow and, well, maybe even "use their heads" . . .

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