Story of the World Volume 2 - Audio CD (old)

Story of the World Volume 2 - Audio CD (old)

The Middle Ages: From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of the Renaissance

by Susan Wise Bauer, Barbara Alan Johnson (Reader)
Publisher: Open Texture
1st Edition, ©2007, ISBN: 9780974239118
Audio CD
Current Retail Price: $49.95
Used Price: $16.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

The Middle Ages edition of Susan Wise Bauer's acclaimed children's narrative history, this audio book edition covers the period from 400 to 1600, and is read by acclaimed narrator Jim Weiss.

"The audio book version of The Story of the World is an invaluable resource for any parent who wants to arouse a child's interest in history (or for any listener who wants to catch up on history in the car!). High quality, easy to use, beautifully indexed (you can find any chapter or section immediately!), and performed with excellence—I give it my heartiest endorsement."
—Susan Wise Bauer

Product Details:

  • No music, sound effects, or other distractions over the text
  • Painstakingly tracked every three to five minutes to help you find your place. In most cases, track marks correspond with natural chapter or section breaks in the text to preserve coherence. In other cases, tracks occur at natural textual transitions
  • Included booklet contains detailed CD and track listings, with references to the print book chapter and section titles for use with the text
  • CD faces bear large numbers, making it easy to grab the next disc at a glance, in the car or anywhere
  • Chapter numbers and titles are also printed on the CD faces, so you don't have to search for the booklet unnecessarily
  • Unabridged. Approximately 11 hours on 9 compact discs

Sample Clips:

(MP3 format)
The Celts of Britain
The Samurai - Japanese Knights
William Shakespeare
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