She Stoops to Conquer

She Stoops to Conquer

Merrill's English Texts
by Oliver Goldsmith, Mabel A. Bessey (Editor and Notes)
©1926, Item: 89210
Hardcover, 171 pages
Used Price: $4.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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This charming comedy has delighted audiences for over two centuries. First performed in 1773, it concerns Kate Hardcastle, a young lady who poses as a servant girl to win the heart of a young gentleman too shy to court ladies of his own class. A number of delightful deceits and hilarious turns of plot must be played out before the mating strategies of both Kate Hardcastle and her friend Constance Neville conclude happily. Along the way, there is an abundance of merry mix-ups, racy dialogue and sly satire of the sentimental comedies of Goldsmith's day.

The extraordinary humor and humanity with which Goldsmith invested this play have made it one of the most read, performed and studied of all English comedies.

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